The internet is FULL of opinions and thoughts on the topic of sleep training, so if you're reading this for some sort of "hot take" on the topic, this isn't the article for you! ;)
We will always support parents in their personal research and conclusions on topics like this, because it really does come down what is best for THEIR baby and THEIR family. Many families and babies in our care have absolutely THRIVED using sleep training techniques and we love that. If you and your baby thrived without sleep training, or found yourself somewhere in the middle, we love that for you too!
Now with all that said, let's keep going!

We are honored to be hosting a local book club centering around the topic of sleep training, and this week we have the loveliest guest speaker: Emily Meindertsma from Sound of Sleeping here in Richmond, VA. Emily is a local Physical Therapist as well as pediatric sleep consultant. She works with families to get the whole family sleeping-not just the babies! "I believe sleep is not a luxury, it is a necessity and it is something you have NOW! It can get better."
We are switching up our ususal format and will not be discussing a specific book. Instead, we will have a Q&A session with Emily and she will share some of her favorite sleep related resources (including a few books).

If you've ever found yourself asking the following:
"Is it bad for my baby to sleep train?"
"Are there different ways to sleep train?"
"Is there anything I can change to encourage healthy sleep patterns in my kids?"
"How does sleep deprivation affect kids? Parents?"
OR anything like that, this is the meeting to join! We do include light refreshements and your nursing infants are welcome to join you.
When: Monday, February 10th from 12-1:30
Where: 1900 Skipwith Road, Henrico, VA 23229
How to RSVP: This event is FREE, but we do ask that you RSVP using THIS LINK so that we have enough snacks and seating.
If you would like to submit any questions for us to answer during this meeting, please leave them in the comments below. Every bit of participation makes for a better experience, not just for our group, but us as educators. Thank you!