First 40 Days
Postpartum Packages
Richmond Birth and Baby aims to recover the lost arts of postpartum care, community, and nourishment for our Richmond area families.
Each package includes our Standard Daytime Postpartum Services, along with these additional (and personalized) supports:
- Bodywork: Massage and optional belly binding, pelvic steams and Reiki
-Herbal Teas and Herbal Baths
- Weekly Meal Preparation
- Evening Hours Available
*We are currently booking through June 2025.*

Postpartum Chef
Certified Postpartum Doula
Certified Ayurvedic Massage Thearpist
Hannah Williams
Package cost: $6,500
3-5 days a week
5 hour shifts from 9:00am-2:00pm
100 hours total
Standard postpartum services
Daily or weekly meal preparation centered around postpartum nutrition.
Weekly herbal postpartum tea
Weekly Ayurvedic massage and herbal healing bath
Belly binding
JoAnne Stevens
Package cost: $6,500
4 days a week
5 hour shifts:
(Dates/Hours TBD)
100 hours total
Standard postpartum services, including meal prep
Weekly herbal postpartum tea
Weekly custom massage and herbal healing bath
Reiki Treatment, Pelvic Steam, Belly Binding

Certified Postpartum Doula
Licensed Massage Therapist
L2 Reiki Practitioner

Postpartum Chef
Birth Doula
Postpartum Doula, Day & Overnight care
Lindsey Bosserman
Package cost: $6,500
3-6 days a week
4 to 8 hour shifts from 8am-8pm
Monday - Friday (custom schedule)
Weekend availability
Standard Postpartum Services
Custom Weekly Menu & Postpartum Cooking focusing on nourishing foods for new mothers
Baby & Home Organizational Help
Weekly Herbal Postpartum Tea
Weekly Hands & Feet Massage