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Kristi Ramey
Oct 11, 20232 min read
Our Favorite Postpartum "Rule"
Have you heard of the postpartum "5-5-5" rule? While this may not be feasible for everyone, it's something we love to see and support for...
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Kristi Ramey
Sep 13, 20233 min read
Postpartum Doulas; We Do It All Night Long!
Before we start, get your head out of the gutter. We are trained, professional caregivers for mothers and their baby/babies. LOL Let me...
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Kristi Ramey
Aug 7, 20233 min read
When the goalposts change.
Today we are going to hear from one of our recent clients, G, about her breastfeeding turned exclusive pumping journey, and how she...
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Kristi Ramey
May 21, 20232 min read
"H" is for Human Milk!
This shouldn't be controversial to say, but here we are: human breastmilk is the optimal way of feeding an infant. It is the most...
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Kristi Ramey
Feb 28, 20232 min read
Hydration is Key!
You can have the most perfect breastfeeding technique in the world, but if you're not nourishing yourself properly, then your body simply...
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Kristi Ramey
Feb 14, 20232 min read
Romance After Baby
Congratulations, mama! You've done it! You grew a baby, birthed a baby (a c-section absolutely counts), and now you're rocking the mom...
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Kristi Ramey
Dec 30, 20222 min read
Colostrum IS Milk (and why it's all a baby needs)
If you've spent any time in the birth and breastfeeding worlds, the word "colostrum" has probably come up. While this incredible milk is...
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Kristi Ramey
Aug 26, 20202 min read
Richmond Birth and Baby Pro Tip #100
Toddler hacks for the win! My daughter is a professional Nanny. (Yes, care of Moms and babies does run in our family.) Her current family...
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Kristi Ramey
Feb 12, 20193 min read
I don't recognize my own body after having a baby.
Comments I hear daily. "I feel different, not the same" "I can't loose this baby weight" "I look tired all the time" "I am letting down...
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