Here are the answers to our most
frequently asked questions!
Birth Doulas
What exactly does a doula do? What are the benefits of having one at my birth?
Doulas draw on their training, knowledge, and experience to provide the birthing family with emotional support, physical comfort, and informational support during labor and birth. Doulas provide guidance in communication with care providers to make sure that you have the information you (and your birth partner) need to make informed decisions during labor. Doulas also help provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for helping labor to progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning, and other techniques for your comfort.
Do you replace my husband/partner?
Absolutely not! We love supporting partners during pregnancy and labor, and will give them ways to help manage your contractions and reduce fear. Encouraging the flow of Oxytocin, by keeping you close, helps labor progress.
The website says that your Doulas work with a "Team model" of care. What does that look like?
First, you will meet with and interview a 2-person Doula team. BOTH of these Doulas will follow you during your pregnancy!
You will have virtual or in-person prenatal appointments with both Doulas.
We have a great way of keeping in touch with our clients that allows you to ask all of your questions between visits and one or both of your Doulas will answer or give suggestions.
One of your Doulas, whom you have gotten to know, will attend your birth!
So, you get the knowledge of both Doulas, the assurance of knowing you will be taken care of during birth, and no worries about an unknown “backup” being sent to you. (in case of another birth, illness or emergency of a Doula)
What if I don’t like one of the Doulas I’m assigned?
You will interview a team of Doulas and if you don't click with one or both of them, just let us know and you can interview with other Doulas on our team.
Are the Doulas of RBB background checked and insured?
All of our Doulas at Richmond Birth and Baby are trained, background checked and insured.
Do you offer prenatal classes?
Yes! We have classes to help you prepare for childbirth, breastfeeding, and general new baby care. We also have classes for the grandparents-to-be and Infant CPR.
Nighttime Nanny
I am very interested in a Nighttime Nanny. What would that look like?
We will arrive around 9 pm and work until 6 or 7 am depending on schedules.
If you are feeding the baby at the breast, we will bring the baby to you for feedings. We will ask about drinks or a snack for you. After you feed your little one, we scoop the baby back up and attend to him/her until the next feeding.
If you are pumping or bottle feeding, we take care of all of the feeds, will gather your pumping supplies, wash and clean all bottles, fold laundry and make sure your kitchen is clean and ready when you wake up in the morning.
Depending on the size of your contract, you will have a team of 2 as well. This gives you the flexibility to add nights or extend care and it gives us the ability to staff your care package with healthy, well-rested, night shift workers.
An example of how your team might work Monday - Friday nights:
#1 works Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
#2 works Tuesday and Thursday.
They will be the first to cover each other in case of illness, emergency, or other family commitments. We have additional team members in case you need to add an additional shift and your team members cannot cover that.
I am expecting twins, can a Doula work with me?
You would need to check with your provider, but yes! We have lots of experience working with moms of multiples before, during, and after labor. Think Nighttime Nanny for later, too!
My husband and I are trying to conceive via IVF. Can you work with us?
Yes! We have many clients who have come to us early in their birth journey as they plan ahead.
​Do you have any Doulas that speak Spanish?
Yes, we do! Please be sure to let us know that you need a Spanish speaker during your free consultation.
Do you offer placenta services?
Yes. We encapsulate placentas for your consumption. You will be provided with a cooler to take to the hospital or birth center. You will need to let the delivery staff know that you will be taking your placenta home. They will put it in the cooler. Have someone add ice and then contact us. We will come to get it and in 48-72 hours, you will have your placenta capsules. $325
What are your rates?
Birth Doula: $1745
Postpartum Doula or Nighttime Nanny: $50-55 an hour
($50.00 per hour if a 200+ hour package is purchased at one time. $5.00 per hour savings! )
Placenta Encapsulation: $325 includes capsules and a tincture.