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Writer's pictureKristi Ramey

6 Tips For Surviving Holidays With a Newborn

The holiday season is upon us! While having a newborn during this time of year can be magical, it will also change your plans quite a bit. And tht is OK. Don't let anyone tell you different. Change is not a bad thing, especially when you can learn as you go. Remember, this is the first time doing this for your infant too. ;)

We've gathered six of our favorite tips and tricks helping you and your loved ones navigate and survive the holiday season with a newborn. And if you've received other helpful ideas or advice about this, please let us know below!

A string of twinkle lights is hung from rafters while people mill around below

  1. Give More Time

    Give more time for everything, honestly.

    Travel, getting ready, prepping dishes for get togethers-you name it, it will longer. Remember, this is not a problem. Babies need care, and you should not feel bad for taking the time to meet those needs!

    We tell clients to double their usual prep time. If it ends up taking less time, then you will have a chance to stop and rest, which is a win for everyone!

  2. Plan On Feeding Breaks

    In those first few weeks of life, an infant's stomach empties within two hours or less, so make sure to schedule in the time to nurse, or pump and/or give bottles. A full pumping session can last 25-30 minutes, with some additional time for set up and clean-up. Same for a nursing session! If you're in a time crunch, ask if you can store the pump supplies in the fridge in between cleaning, which can save a few minutes

    A wooden table filled with an assortment of food in white plates and platters.

  3. Be Upfront About Your Needs

    People can't read your mind! Let your friends and family know how they can help and when to do so. Maybe it's giving the bottle while you take second for yourself. Maybe it's taking over your signature dish so you don't have to contribute. Maybe it's offering to come over early and help clean if you will be hosting. Consider what can be taken off your plate so that you can focus on baby and healing while still enjoying all the festivities! Say no if it's too much, and don't feel bad.

  4. Lower Expectations

    Easier said than done when you're a woman, right? Sigh. We know. However, in this (very temporary) season of life, drop what can be dropped. Set the bar a bit lower. Give yourself the space you need to bond and heal with your newborn. It might not look exactly like the Hallmark movie you envisioned, but there will be so much more to enjoy if you ahem, chill out. Our advice? Pick 1-3 priorities for every day, and consider the rest a bonus.

    A black man and white woman sit close to one another on a black couch, holding an infant between them and touching their foreheads together.

  5. Bring Back-up Clothes for Mom Too

    This one is fairly self explanatory, but something no one ever shares! We pack the cute little outfits for the baby, and then forget that we might also need an extra set of clothes (or at least a shirt). Blow out diapers, spit up, leaking boobs, postpartum bleeding...the opportunities are for stains are endless. If you need permission to go get a second holiday outfit, this is it. Treat yo self!

  6. Don't Forget To Nourish YOURSELF

    Look. We get it. It's difficult to care for yourself in the chaos of newborn life, and even more so when you are going to and fro for activities and parties. But this one is truly important. Making sure you are eat well and hydrate well should be a priority, especially in the fourth trimester. Not only are you rebuilding your body after growing and birthing a baby, but some of you are also creating milk from scratch to sustain that baby. That takes FUEL. Be kind to yourself and make sure you eat some dang food, ok?

  7. Bonus Tip: Check-in With Your Significant Other (and ask them to check-in with you too!)

    We aren't talking a huge official date and hours of prep. We mean, trying to squeeze in a minute of two to look in their eyes, hold their hand, and just let them know you're still a team. A little appreciation and care goes a loooooong way in the middle of the holiday hubbub (and postpartum fog)

What would YOU add to this list? Please, share below so we can encourage one another!

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